The power of interning: making a time series database 2000x smaller in Rust

March 3, 2025 rust perf json


Optimization adventures: making a parallel Rust workload even faster with data-oriented design (and other tricks)

December 2, 2024 rust perf

Optimization adventures: making a parallel Rust workload 10x faster with (or without) Rayon

November 18, 2024 rust perf

Making a const version of Rust's array::from_fn - How hard can it be?

June 17, 2024 rust

Thoughts on the xz backdoor: an lzma-rs perspective

April 8, 2024 open-source rust

Making my website 10x smaller in 2024, with a dark mode

March 14, 2024 news web perf


STV-rs: Single Transferable Vote implementation in Rust

March 27, 2023 rust math voting

Testing SIMD instructions on ARM with Rust on Android

January 5, 2023 rust simd android perf


Detecting SIMD support on ARM with Android (and patching the Rust compiler for it)

November 9, 2022 rust simd android

Compiling Rust libraries for Android apps: a deep dive

October 24, 2022 rust android tutorial

Why my Rust benchmarks were wrong, or how to correctly use std::hint::black_box?

January 31, 2022 rust perf


Horcrux: Implementing Shamir's Secret Sharing in Rust (part 2)

November 1, 2021 rust cryptography simd

Horcrux: Implementing Shamir's Secret Sharing in Rust (part 1)

November 1, 2021 rust cryptography

Asynchronous streams in Rust (part 2) - Cancelling expired requests

April 8, 2021 rust async tutorial

Asynchronous streams in Rust (part 1) - Futures, buffering and mysterious compilation error messages

April 1, 2021 rust async tutorial

Back online: lessons learned from recovering my website after a data center fire

March 17, 2021 news web


Reaching the (current) limits of Rust's type system with asynchronous programming

December 17, 2020 rust async

Lessons learned from stracing a password manager in Docker

September 6, 2020 docker security

Five years of Rust - a full-stack programming language for the next decade(s)

June 16, 2020 rust news

Five years of Rust - a cross-platform programming language for the next decade(s)

June 16, 2020 rust news

How I blog about math: an update on KaTeX with Jekyll

May 23, 2020 news web jekyll math


Rust 2020

November 29, 2019 rust news

Tutorial: Profiling Rust applications in Docker with perf

November 9, 2019 docker rust perf

Advent of Code in Rust: lessons learned

August 25, 2019 rust


6 months into Rust: what was good in 2017 and what will be better in 2018?

February 5, 2018 rust


Rust from a C++ and OCaml programmer's perspective (Part 2)

September 29, 2017 c++ rust ocaml

Rust from a C++ and OCaml programmer's perspective (Part 1)

September 5, 2017 c++ rust ocaml

A Rubik's cube visualization for GoogleCTF 2017

June 23, 2017 webgl

GoogleCTF 2017 - Rubik write-up

June 23, 2017 ctf cryptography

Parsing HTTP/2 packets in Python with dpkt

May 30, 2017 parsing python